Monday, April 05, 2004


*dons sky blue catsuit and pair of oversized earphones*

Dave Rice: "Right, I've got off the helicopter and I'm running down the street towards Bow. What was the clue again?"

Contestant: "Yeah, Dave the clue is 'Sounds like "Old Faithful" has a rock hard reason to be a good bloke' "

Dave Rice (gasping for breath): "I think I've ... found it .... Yes! Stop the clock ... I've got the clue!"

Contestant: "Great! What does it say?"

Dave Rice: "Wait a minute, the envelope's stuck. Ah, here we go: 'If you want Value, you'd be best to stay on the right side of this sorrowful crone.' Where on earth am I going now?"

Contestant: "Well, back to the helicopter would be a start..."

--- ¦ ---

Well done to BW, e and Harriet for coming up with 3 excellent posts about fictional bloggers on Friday. Accordingly, they are awarded 4, 4 and 7 points respectively. So e leaps into an early lead. Of course, there's a long way to go yet. Keep blogvertising the event and we'll make this into a real competition.

Today's hunt is the first non-topical one. You need to find a post that contains the word 'banana' in it. Why banana? I've no idea; it just popped into my head and I thought "Yeah, why not?". At first glance, this may appear easier than the last two but you may find it poses problems of its own, due to it being a more common word. Let me know how you find it, won't you?

Good luck and happy hunting!

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