Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Blogger's Disco

I've been thinking hard for at least five minutes to come up with something suitable for mike's Blogger's Disco but I haven't had any ideas yet.

I mean, there's so much to choose from. Do I pick a thumping dance classic or some pop kitsch? Punk? Rock? No, it's impossible to narrow it down that way.

Okay, how else can I find the perfect track? What about by the effect it will have on the bloggers crowding the dancefloor? That sounds about right. Well then, I want a song that will get everyone singing along at the end of the night after several beers too many. A drunken cacophony of merriment and tunelessness. I want them to just stand there singing at the tops of their voices so it can't be a song you can dance to easily. Maybe an old, zippo-waving ballad?


*taps fingers on the desk*

Aha! I've got it. Altogether now...

Hey Jood!
Da da da daaa

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