Saturday, September 20, 2003


Inspired by the current craze of Flashmobbing, October on Clear Blue Skies will be Flashblogging Month.

Have you fancied taking part in a Flashmob event but can't because you live too far away or you are too self-conscious? Then Flashblog may be the answer you're looking for. It's like Flashmob, but (obviously) set in the blogsphere.

There will be four or five Flashblog events during the course of the month, starting on Wednesday 1st. In keeping with the real thing, details of where and when to gather and what to do when you are there will be sent to you via email shortly before the event so if you would like to take part, email me or leave a comment below (leaving your email address, obviously).

I want to get as many people involved as possible so, if you have a blog of your own and are interested, please mention it and point your readers in this direction. It won't amount to much if there are only half a dozen of us.

More information and updates next week.