Monday, March 01, 2004

Back to Normal

Today was my first commute into work via Silverlink trains and I can't say that it was too bad. We didn't know the train times this morning (since the weekday timetable we had was in a bag I left on a train last Friday) so the 90 minutes it took door to door included a ten minute wait on the platform for the next train which won't usually be the case. On an average day, I reckon the time spent traveling will increase by half an hour or so when compared to what it was from Finchley. Not too bad but more than I thought it would be.

I don't have a lot of inspiration for posts at the moment as my head is still full of trying to get the house sorted out and stuff but I will at least be able to post more regularly than I have over the last couple of weeks. I've had a look at my stats for February and it was by far the worst complete month so far in terms of visitors, an indication of the number and quality of the posts. Things will get better around here. At some point.

I'm thinking about running another special blogevent in a month or two but at the moment I'm not sure what to do (I've got several up my sleeve) so keep an eye out for an announcement over the next few weeks.

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