Friday, March 12, 2004

Proper Winter

Over the last few years winter has been largely mild with the odd cold snap and snow shower every now and again. This year has been different.

We may not have had really deep snow that stayed with us for days amid sub-zero temperatures but then, the childhood memories that tell me we used to get winters like that a lot are probably unreliable anyway. At least this year we have had snow that has settled on several occasions and it has been bitterly cold more often than not. A proper winter, I'd say.

My legs are aching from walking down the hill to the station without slipping over in the slush and my ears are only now starting to send nerve impulses to my brain again. Despite all that, I like it when the weather's like this. Even the most desolate landscape takes on a facade of beauty when it's covered in snow. We could have done with another half-inch or so to make everything look pristine in Hemel but I'm not really complaining. The view over the snow covered rooftops this morning was just lovely. It's a bit of a shame it won't be there tomorrow when I'd have more time to enjoy it.

That's right, this is another short-lived snowfall as temperatures are set to hit double figures over the weekend (in the 50's for those of you that work in Fahrenheit). This may even be the last blow of the season, it is the middle of March after all. Come the morning we may well have said goodbye to winter for another year. I hope it's at least as good as this year has been.

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